Price changes

The price quoted in the order for the goods may be varied in accordance with any change in the rate of Value Added Tax.
Cancellation and deposits

No cancellation of any order will be allowed. Deposits are non-refundable.


Any unpaid balance shall be due prior to delivery in cash or bankers draft. The goods remain our property until paid for.
Partial delivery, damaged or faulty goods

In the event of a partial delivery only or partial completion of an order due to one or more items comprising that order being defective or damaged and not accepted by the customer or delayed, then payment shall be due proportionately for that part of the order which has been delivered or which is not defective or damaged.

Goods held at customer’s request

The customer will be notified immediately when goods ordered by them have been received from the manufacturer. Such goods may be stored for the customer pending a convenient date for delivery but the customer will be invoiced and charged after the goods have been held for fourteen days and surcharges for non-payment will apply as from the date on the invoice. An additional charge for storage may be rendered.


Any time or date given for delivery is an estimate only and there shall be no liability arising from the consequence of any delay. No exact time of day can be stipulated for delivery. We will deliver during business hours. Responsibility is accepted for delivery to the customers address only. No responsibility for shortages or damages will be accepted unless notice is received in writing within 3 days of delivery of the goods.


Defects in any of the goods comprising part of a delivery or contract shall not entitle you to cancel such contract or refuse delivery of the remainder of the goods. Replacement or credit will be the limit of our liability under this contract for damaged goods.


Any measurements, dimensions, weights, colours or other details contained in any catalogues or samples etc. are only given as an approximate guide and no warranty is given that goods as delivered will correspond exactly with such descriptions etc. in the foregoing aspects.

Access for delivery

It is customer’s responsibility to ensure that access for goods purchased is unobstructed i.e. by door widths, stairs, etc. We therefore do not accept liability for consequences due to restricted or obstructed access.